President's Message
The Lewisville Fire Fighters Association has worked hard to achieve an open dialogue, and strives to maintain that dialogue with the administration of the department, the City of Lewisville, and members of the City Council. This dialogue helps to ensure the Lewisville Fire Department remains among the most professional and well trained and equipped in the state. Also through this dialogue, we hope that the City of Lewisville maintains its high standing as a desirable place to live and work.
The LFFA is a Local member of the International Association of Fire Fighters, and through that organization works to improve the fire profession throughout the country. The IAFF is the leading advocate for fire fighter safety and citizen protection in the United States. The IAFF is on the frontlines helping to introduce safety initiatives through building codes and legislation in Washington D.C. and Austin.
In addition to being an advocate for public safety employees, attempting to improve the fire service as a whole and working to maintain a high level of service for Lewisville's citizens and visitors, the LFFA also actively supports many charities. As a non-profit association, the LFFA regularly provides assistance for organizations committed to aiding for others. The LFFA also provides for employees in need through our Benevolence Program, which offers financial aid to members who have endured a life changing event, a serious illness or injury, or a tragic occurrence.
The LFFA is funded through membership dues and donations from local citizens and businesses. If you wish to make a donation to LFFA, please feel free to visit the supporters tab above. We also welcome your questions and comments.
Joaquin Jack Criner
LFFA President